Why not give mom that gift that really says you really care. We will soon have some additional fabrics for our fabulous spa robes, add a pair of our cuddle booties and maybe a warm up animal and she will be kept warm and cozy.
Maybe add an ultra shoulder wrap to de-stress her, or a body wrap to ease those aches and pains naturally. We have many warm gift ideas for mom.
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Warm Buddy make microwave heat packs made locally in Vancouver, the heating pads can be used for all types of aches, stress and muscle and back pain relief.
All heating pads are approved class 1 medical devices for the relief of back muscle pain and stress.
With today’s prolific use of hand held devices the body neck and shoulder muscles get tired quickly, causing stress on the neck and shoulders. If you can’t take stretch breaks away from your device, it’s good to have one of our ultra-shoulder wraps handy to relieve the neck pain fast and naturally.
Whether you are a weekend warrior, an athlete, gardener or just someone who just suffers from a bad back.
Using our heat packs is a fast natural way to relieve muscle pain; the warm moist penetrating heat warms the muscles allowing the blood to flow more freely to the muscles.
Use the heating pads at home, at the office, driving also perfect companion for those going back to school to help them relax and concentrate on their studies.
All our heat packs are designed to be used warm or cold, it is good to have 2 heat packs and keep one in the freezer for the times you need it to relieve swelling.
1 in 5 Canadians suffer from chronic pain. Despite this widespread occurrence, many individuals still suffer with unrelieved or under-treated pain. Pain’s negative impact has been found to span every age and every type and source of pain in which it has been studied.
People dealing with pain have a significantly decreased quality of life and are more likely to show symptoms of depression. The Warm Buddy Company is committed to helping improve the quality of life of pain sufferers with our line up of natural heat wraps and heat therapy products.
Warm Buddy heat wraps provide pain relief with deep penetrating heat that increases blood flow. Increasing blood flow brings more nutrients and flushes out injured debris. Heat therapy also promotes speedier healing by stimulating the bodies natural metabolic rate. Applying heat to an injury activates receptors that block the effect of chemical messengers that cause pain to be detected by the body.
Warm Buddy heat wraps are a natural way to deal with pain and injuries. Many studies have concluded that heat wrap therapy is more effective for relieving lower back pain than drugs such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Heat wrap therapy does not have the potential risk to the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract than can accompany inappropriate analgesic (oral pain medication) usage. Heat wrap treatments can be better than oral analgesics because they go beyond pain relief to provide muscle relaxation and increase flexibility.
Warm Buddy therapy wraps can also be applied as cold therapy treatments. When used cold, swelling and inflammation are decreased. Cold dulls nerve activity and reduces the sensation of pain. Cold wrap therapy provides vasoconstriction of blood vessels which stops fluid from traveling to the injury where swelling occurs thereby reducing the amount of swelling and permits natural fluid drainage. Cold also reduces muscle spasms and tightens muscles (which limits stretching) and allows them to heal.
Our warm up animals are designed for the child in all of us, ages 1 to 103, perfect to help you relax and get off to a perfect night’s sleep. As with all our products the warm up animals are a class 1 approved medical device for the relief of stress and offer lasting comfort and warmth when you need it most.
If the sports injury is fresh and or a swelling then use our sports therapy wrap and place it in the freezer, then place it over the swelling to reduce swelling and pain. Once the swelling goes down and you are left with the ache and pain , then use the therapy wrap warm to help relieve the pain.
Footnote: I have used my heat pack since 2000 and it still gives off a moist heat.
All Warm Buddy natural pain relief products are proudly made in Vancouver. BC Canada.